
Research and creation of studies on the topics of work, health, and education are one of the core competencies of abif.

Here we apply research designs with qualitative and quantitative methods and offer the client well-founded analyzes and presentations of the results.

We work out recommendations and are happy to advise you on further steps and procedures.

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Ongoing Projects in Category "research"


From brown to green: career change paths for socio-ecological transformation

Labour market policies of European PES to support a Green Deal - conclusions for Austria

The role of the welfare state in the socio-ecological transformation

Exploiting the labour force potential: Strategies of European countries

Labour market policy measures against the background of changed occupations and activities. Follow up study of Eco-jobs for the unemployed


Needs and trends in educational counselling and career guidance for high school graduates

SOS Childrens Villages - Labour Market Integration of Care Leavers