Our scientific team is interdisciplinary and comprises the fields of sociology, psychology, political science, and socioeconomics. The management assistants support the team.

Mag.a Karin Steiner
managing director and chair of the board
Education: sociology degree from University of Vienna and UCSD, San Diego, WBA-Diploma
Work Focus: ABIF academy, labor market and qualification research, trends in educational and vocational guidance
Hobbies: hiking, gardening
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Mag.a Andrea Egger
external consultant
Education: psychology degree from University of Vienna, Systemic Coach, Certified Work-Psychologist (BÖP)
Work Focus: working environment, labor market policy interventions, health promotion, inclusion and vocational training, program and project evaluation
Hobbies: cycling
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Mag.a Claudia Liebeswar, MA
political scientist and psychologist, scientific project associate
Education: master's degree in psychology and bachelor's and master's degree in political sciences at University of Vienna, individual studies in natural sciences and humanities
Work Focus: labor market and educational research, quantitative methods, multivariate evaluations
Hobbies: backpacking, perpetual studying, voluntary work
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