Project "hiphopera"
Project Title
Evaluation of hiphopera
Hiphopera is an EQUAL project promoted with the help of European social funds and the by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour.
The project’s target groups are unemployed people and job seekers aged between 15 to 21 years old. The project consists of three training parts: an artistic module, in which a HipHop musical is compiled over a year, a module relating to crafts, in which the participants receive an insight over different occupations and techniques, as well as an education technical module, which offers the participants the possibility to acquire qualifications in mathematics, ICT and German. A goal of the project is the integration of the young people into the labour market.
The individual creative potential of the participants is to be increased with the help of this project and in this way their self-confidence is to be strengthened. The accompanying evaluation of the development partnership hiphopera is to contribute to the current improvement of the concept, the process and thus also of the results. Further contributing evaluation factors are the EQUAL guidelines as well as the two cross section topics Gender Mainstreaming and information society (ICT).
Project Management
Brigitte Mosberger (abif)
Project Team
Thomas Kreiml (abif)
Project Start
Project End
Volkshilfe Wien