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Project "Effective Career Guidance"

Project Title

Study on the effectiveness of educational counselling and career guidance


Between 4,000 and 6,000 clients are advised in the career information centres (BIZ) of the Public Employment Service Vienna every year. More than half of them are in the prime working age and have counselling concerns that are in the area of reorientation, higher qualification or catching up on an educational qualification. However, the BIZ teams are also available to young people who, for example, are facing a decision in their education and career choice process. Both of these target groups benefit from information and/or counselling about jobs, education and careers, clarification of interests and inclinations, a wide range of information materials and/or support with research on labour market topics or education and training in the career information centres. In many cases, the goal is to make a career and educational decision. These are almost never monocausal and depend on a variety of external and internal factors that interact with each other. The Public Employment Service Vienna was thus faced with the question of the actual significance of these drivers and how they should be taken into account in the counselling provided by the Public Employment Service Vienna or how they could be used as "positive reinforcers". The effect of a single or repeated counselling intervention on the part of the BIZs is one of these external factors that can achieve a variety of effects. What these look like and how they relate to other factors influencing educational and occupational choices is the subject of this study. Using a methodological triangulation approach, abif therefore evaluates the following questions:

  • What effects are achieved with the guidance provided by the Viennese BIZs?
  • Which are the strengths and weaknesses of the BIZ approach?
  • Where can even better effects be achieved by further developing the approach?
  • To what extent can other decision drivers (parents, friends, teachers, media, etc.) be used as "positive reinforcers"?

Project Management

Maga Andrea Egger

Project Team

Mag.a Claudia Liebeswar, Agnes Dürr BA

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

Public Employment Service Vienna