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Project "Inter-company apprentice"

Project Title

Consulting and training with the goal of a stronger competence orientation in ÜBA Styria


In the course of conducting the ÜBA (inter-company apprenticeship training) in Styria, the PES of Styria and thus also the supporting institutions of the ÜBA pursue the goal of anchoring competence orientation more strongly in pedagogical-didactic concepts and implementing it in training practice. Therefore, the quality of training within the framework of the ÜBA is to be strengthened and, as a result, the skills of graduates are to be improved.

Since the ÜBA in Styria is implemented by a bidding consortium consisting of bit training, bfi Steiermark and Jugend am Werk, it is not only a matter of developing a new concept of competence orientation, but also of ensuring that it is implemented by all supporting institutions in the different regions and by the trainers and instructors working in training practice.

By means of a participatory project approach, the project-executing agencies are to be involved in the reorientation or quality improvement of training from the outset. As a result, the practical transfer of the concept and other measures should be high, i.e. these can be well implemented by the supporting institutions and ultimately benefit the graduates.

It is therefore planned to conduct 15 further training workshops for the trainers and instructors, to evaluate them and to develop a method case and a joint pedagogical-didactic concept for competence-oriented training. All products will be presented and disseminated at a closing event.

Project Management

Mag.a Karin Steiner

Project Team

Agnes Dürr BA, Mag. Michael Flotzinger, Margit Voglhofer MA, Markus (Max) Nemeth

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

ÜBA-Training Institutions Styria