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Project "Needs Older Jobseekers"

Project Title

Analysis of Target Groups and Needs for the Use of Educational and Vocational Guidance by Older People


In addition to age (and age-related prejudices), other barriers to placement play a crucial role for older jobseekers. For example, counsellors point out the existence of health restrictions of a physical or psychological nature as well as a lack of knowledge, e.g. in the field of new technologies. Care duties, longer periods of career interruption due to parental leave or non-sufficient German language skills also have a negative impact on ones employability.

The current project is therefore intended to use literature-based research, interviews with experts and a comprehensive, standardised online survey with relevant groups of actors to provide information in a forward-looking manner about which content is (or is to be) in which form (media mix, media channels, counselling formats) available to the public, i.e. both to older people and to educational and career counsellors.

The planned project serves to process selected recent national, but also exemplary international, experiences (good practices), to derive trends and to place the results in the context of the PESs vocational and labour market information. In doing so, existing offers of the PES, in particular of the Department of Labour Market Research and Vocational Information, will be integrated into the context of the expert survey as well as the Austria-wide online survey.

Project Management

Mag.a Karin Steiner

Project Team

Lukas Grabowski MSc WU, Agnes Dürr

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

Public Employment Service of Austria