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Project "De-Qualification"

Project Title

De-Qualification via Qualification? Trainings Below Ones Level of Training and Their Effects on Ones Career


In recent years, the Public Employment Service of Styria was able to identify a trend which shows that women participated in trainings that yielded lesser qualifications than they already had acquired, e.g. vocational and former education.

For this reason, in 2017 abif was tasked to support a research committee that aims to describe this phenomenon and to identify why and in which forms it occurs, how it affects individuals and what measurements can be taken to tackle it.

For this purpose, data and method triangulation were utilized: Based on a thorough data and literature analysis, qualitative and quantitative data was obtained from potentially affected individuals, a focus group of potentially affected individuals was organized, a qualitative inquiry was presented to be answered by representatives of the Public Employment Service and the counselling organisations ZAM and SZF and three more focus groups with representatives of the aforementioned organisations were organised.

Project Management

Mag.a Andrea Egger-Subotitsch

Project Team

Mag.a Claudia Liebeswar MA

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

Public Employment Service of Styria