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Project "REHA-Counselling"

Project Title

Evaluation of Rehabilitation Measures by the Public Employment Service of Carinthia


Advising, supporting and encouraging people subject to health impairments is a top priority when it comes to the active labour-markt policy of the Public Employment Service of Carinthia. That is reflected by high fundings, but first and foremost by a specialized counselling on measures of professional rehabilitation.

The Public Employment Service of Carinthia initiated a thorough evaluation of that very REHA-counselling. The findings should provide a basis for decisions on the further development of that specific consulting service and the most effective and efficient use of resources.

Therefore, a wide range of qualitative and quanitative methods - e.g. the analysis of structural data, representative client interviews, qualitative expert interviews with PES staff as well as external representatives of the system of professional and medical rehabilitation, an impact analysis and an efficiency analysis - were implemented to get insights into two main PES client groups, namely (a) people subject to health impairments, and (b) people in the specialized REHA-counselling. The results will be qualitatively and quantitatively interpreted to formulate expedient recommendations for action.

Project Management

Mag.a Andrea Egger-Subotitsch

Project Team

Mag.a Claudia Liebeswar MA

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

Public Employment Service of Carinthia