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Project "Methods Elderly"

Project Title

Updating the Practical Handbook "Methods/Tools in Vocational and Labour Market Orientation for Older People"


Older applicants (aged 45 and over) do not have the same opportunities as their younger competition in the labour market. At the same time, they typically have more profound professional experience, a richer professional network and more informally acquired and social skills. The practical handbook "Methods/Tools in Vocational and Labour Market Orientation for Older People" which was published in 2013 gave deep insights into methods on orientation, assessment, activation and motivation of older job-seekers. The new handbook will present updated facts and figures as well as new methods. First and foremost, it will focus on innovative methods for counsellors and trainers, but it will also outline recent methods on the activiation of older people.

Project Management

Mag.a Karin Steiner

Project Team

Mag.a Claudia Liebeswar MA

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

Public Employment Service Austria