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Project "Fruits Go To School"

Project Title

Evaluation of the Programme "Fruits Go to School" in Viennese Compulsory Schools


Since February 2015, a high number of Viennese compulsory schools participates in the initiative "Fruits Go to School", funded by the European Union. In the course of the programme, the pupils and students get weekly deliveries of fruits and vegetables. Also, accompanying measures are organized and the schools get useful teaching materials by the Vienna Alliance for Health Promotion.

First and foremost, abif was assigned to evaluate the acceptance of and satisfaction with the programme, the actual implementation in the schools and possible changes in the students knowledge on fruits and vegetables or their eating behaviours. Based on qualitative and quantitative interviews with the different stakeholders, precise recommendations for action will be derived.

Project Management

Mag.a Monira Kerler

Project Team

Mag.a Claudia Liebeswar MA, Mag.a Julia Pintsuk

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

Vienna Alliance for Health Promotion