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Project "VO Women revised"

Project Title

Handbook on Methods in Vocational Orientation for Women


The handbook on methods in vocational orientation for women, which was already elaborated by abif in 2007 proved to be a successful tool for counsellors working in the the field of vocational orientation and information, especially as it is connected with the online research platform of the PES Austria. For this platform and commissoned by the PES Austria, abif created a method database in which all the methods of this and of the four other handbooks were integrated.

Due to the great success of this handbook the PES Austria commissoned abif for a new and actualised edition. In this new edition new methods in the area of vocational and labour market orientation for women will be included, focusing on pay negotiations by girls and women. The revised edition of the handbook will be published in 2011. This handbook is available only in German.

Project Management

Mag.a Brigitte Mosberger

Project Team

Mag.a Ruth Kasper

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

PES Austria (Abt. ABI)