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Project "Qual. Career Guidance"

Project Title

International Comparison of Quality Assurance in Guidance Competencies


Withion the next years an efficient vocational and labour market orientation that meats the requirements of a dynamic and partly hard to foresee labour market development as well as of international systems of standards like the EQR will be a strategic challenge. Against this background the project aims to work off international recent experiences (of selected European Labour Agencies) and to combine them with the context of the national situation.

Methodically the following steps will be undertaken:

1. Internet and literature search

2. Expert interviews

3. 2 day workshop with national experts and detailled documentation

Project Management

Karin Steiner, M.A. (abif)

Project Team

Andrea Poschalko, M.A. (abif)

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

PES Austria