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Project "Environmental Jobs"

Project Title

Vocational Orientation/Job-Information Brochure for Environmental Jobs


There is a great diversity of possibilities of working in the field of environment or environmental protection. Environmental protection is at the same time seen as a major future market. Nevertheless even experts find the definition of the term ‘environmental protection’ to be difficult, causing a fluctuation of possibilities to work in environmental jobs depending on the definition of the labour market. Skills in environmental issues are rather seen as cross section knowledge, which is demanded for traditional jobs but without being referred to as environmental job.

The actual concept for a vocational orientation and job-information brochure for environmental jobs provides information for vocational orientation of anyone interested in working in the field of environment. It focuses on environmental jobs in the actual sense, i.e. jobs exclusively concerned with environmental protection requiring environmental skills.

Nine expert interviews, results of a recent research project in the field of alternative energy ("Soft and Hard Skills with regards to Recruiting Practice and Qualification Requirements in the Energy and Environmental Sector in Austria "), online research and existing information material will all contribute to the completion of the manual.

Project Management

Brigitte Mosberger (abif)

Project Team

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

Public Employment Service Austria / Dep. Labour Market and Vocational Information