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Project "Productive Ageing"

Project Title

Chances and Opportunities of Programmes for a Sustainable Employability and Health of the Unemployed for an Improved Labour Market Integration - Political Psychological and Sociological Perspectives


Based on the reserach project "Work Situation of the Elderly: Opportunities and Barriers" (AMS report 39) as well the "Information Handbook for the Practice of Workplace Health Promotion" (Publication: January 2007) a research project on programmes that enhance the employability and improve the health of the unemployed elderly. The project ficusses especially on the reintegration of long-term unemployed. Goals of the research project are to carry out national and international searches of projects/best practices as well as to lead expert interviews whoch shall be questionnaied about their experiences with programmes for elderly unemployed people. Moreover, it is the goal to find out any future need of action how labour market policy actors shall deal with this new "challenge".

Project Management

Karin Steiner (abif)

Project Team

Marie Jelenko (abif), Doris Muralter (abif)

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

Employment Service Austria