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Project "N&A Social Work Graz"

Project Title

Need and acceptance analysis for a study course of social workers


The training of social workers in academies was replaced in Austria in the past years increasingly by the training in universities of applied sciences. Presently the graduates of academies having 2 to 3 years of studies and the graduates of universities of applied studies having studied for 4 years practise jobs in the social fields, whereas the first category of graduates bear the title DAS (graduate social workers) and the latter bear the academic title of Master’s Degree (FH).
A recent restructuring in terms of trainings unifications throughout the EU leads to the introduction of the baccalaureate course of study.
In order to give the graduates of academies the possibility to acquire further qualifications, the University of Applied Sciences Joanneum in Graz (FH Graz) planned a one-year course of studies which allows the participants to also work during the study.

abif accomplishes a need and acceptance analysis for this FH course of studies. The main focus of the need analysis is the demand for new competences and fields of activities of social workers. Another focus is put on the future trends within this working sector in order to train the potential interested students in a labour market oriented way. The methodical approach meets the requirements of the Austrian Council for Universities of Applied Sciences and includes labour market surveys, qualitative interviews and secondary statistical analyses. The acceptance of the planned FH course of studies is raised among other things by a representative inquiry among graduate social workers.

Project Management

Andrea Egger-Subotitsch (abif)

Project Team

Thomas Kreiml (abif), Marlene Wimler (abif), Claudia Cesky (abif)

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

FH JOANNEUM society ltd.