Current Events 27.03.2025 DISCO (Distance blended and online counselling) Konferenz Ich nehme teil: online via Zoom face-to-face im Kardinal König Haus, Kardinal König Platz 3, 1130 Vienna PROGRAMM (PDF) Registration Salutation: not specified Ms. Mr. Title (optional): First Name (required): Last Name (required): Email Address (required): Organisation (optional): Address (optional): Zip Code (optional): Place (optional): Phone (optional): Comment regarding your registration (optional): I have special needs: visual hearing other physical cognitive Our privacy policy for your information in advance. You agree that your data will be processed and used in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations to process your registration.Your personal data will be treated confidentially and will not be passed on. Privacy policy read and accepted (required): I would like to receive news about further events and other information from abif: