
© 2018-2025 abif

Association Name: abif - Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Analyse, Beratung und interdisziplinäre Forschung
Association Headquarters: 1170 Wien, Frauengasse 6/2, Austria
Legal Structure: Association
Association Registration Number: ZVR 933232046
Association Court of Law: Vienna, Austria
VAT ID: ATU48956704


Tel.: (+43 1) 522 48 73
Fax: (+43 1) 522 48 73-77

Email: [javascript protected email address]

Authorized representative body: Mag. Karin Steiner (managing director and chair of the board of the association abif)

Main contents of this website: this website presents information about products and services of our company.


The websites of are protected by copyright in their entirety as well as in parts. Publication of the content in any form requires the consent of the operator of Usage and propagation for personal use is permitted if the source is fully named. The respective author waives the copyright for the content of the published texts and contributions, including the visual representations.

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All information on this website is created with the utmost care. However, assumes no liability for their completeness, correctness or suitability for specific purposes. The use of the content and information provided on the website is at the sole risk of the user.