Project "Placement Strategies (PES)"
Project Title
New placement strategies of Public Employment Services in the context of the Covid-19-Pandemic
In 2020, the federal governments actions to contain the COVID-19 pandemic caused the largest decline in paid employment in nearly 70 years, and unemployment rose to record levels. In the face of these challenges, all labour market policy actors, including the PES, were and are challenged to take action and make adjustments in the way they work. Since other countries around the world are currently facing comparable problems, this research project, jointly conducted by abif and WIFO on behalf of the Austrian PES, aims to analyse measures taken internationally, but especially those of the European Public Employment Services, in terms of their success, applicability and advantages and disadvantages. In this context, the study is also interested in generally applied placement strategies of European labour market administrations and their success within and outside the COVID pandemic. In a first step, the impact of the pandemic on labour market policies in other European countries will be presented, followed by an analysis of the challenges, placement strategies and other instruments used by the labour market administrations. In addition to an extensive literature analysis, expert interviews with representatives of European Public Employment Services will be conducted. Finally, the findings are analysed in regard to their applicability in Austria.
Project Management
Mag.a Julia Bock-Schappelwein (WIFO)
Project Team
Michael Flotzinger (abif), BA; Mag.a Andrea Egger-Subotitsch (abif)
Project Initiator
Public Employment Service of Austria