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Project "Young People: Vocational Orientation"

Project Title

Survey and concept development on the accessibility of young people as well as parents with regard to vocational orientation in Lower Austria


abif was commissioned by the province of Lower Austria and Danube University Krems to examine the career guidance strategy in Lower Austria with the aim of improving the accessibility of young people and their parents as well as the transfer of information to them. The aim of the study is to find out which measures can be taken in addition to the existing ones in order to support young people and their parents even better in their decisions regarding career choice or choice of education path. Furthermore, it is important to discuss how the existing information can be communicated to young people and their parents and how the importance and significance of the decision can be emphasised. In order to achieve the project goals and to answer the guiding questions, the following survey steps will be carried out: Analysis of data from the microcensus on school leavers and the Labour Force Survey (Eurostat), literature analysis of current studies from Austria as well as research of European good practice examples of career guidance for young people, expert interviews with experts from the Lower Austrian career guidance landscape with a focus on the need for optimisation and change in the Lower Austrian career guidance strategy, and stakeholder workshops to develop a career guidance concept for Lower Austria.

Project Management

Mag.a Karin Steiner (ABIF), Prof. Stefan Oppl (DUK)

Project Team

Felix Kranner, MA , Agnes Dürr, BA

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

Province of Lower Austria (Office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government, Labour Market Department)


Danube University Krems (DUK)