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Project "USP of Styrian BIZ"

Project Title

Position of the BIZ within the Styrian vocational orientation landscape and development of a USP for (new) customers


New counselling tools on the labour market require permanent updating of counselling contents and settings. There are many educational and vocational orientation institutions (BBO) in Austria. However, the market and the individual focal points are not always easily understandable to interested parties. The BIZs (BerufsInfoZentren, loosely translated as vocational information centres) of the AMS Styria, as one of these providers, therefore want to sharpen and expand their unique selling point (USP). abif supports the AMS Styria in this process and surveys the current level of awareness of the services offered by the BIZ among employees, job seekers and persons in training. The aim is to identify services in particular demand and their concrete benefits. Furthermore, the current need for educational and career guidance will be clarified and it will be discussed how this information should be offered (settings) and how new customers/target groups can be developed.

Project Management

Mag.a Andrea Egger-Subotitsch

Project Team

Mag.a Gabriele Schmied

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

PES of Styria


Further information on "BerufsInfoZentren"