Project "Digital tools"
Project Title
Digital and assisting work and training tools
The measures to combat COVID 19 have led within a very short time to an enormous increase in unemployment and to a massive change in the world of work. Employees who work or had to work in a home office are faced with technical and organisational challenges that they have to cope with. Companies, especially in the education and training sector, were faced with the choice of operating their courses online or skipping them altogether. In this respect, three working hypotheses are formulated for the time being:
- Hypothesis 1: A part of the workforce is currently acquiring skills for online work, while another part remains unaffected or at most acquires skills in the field of online communication in the private sphere.
- Hypothesis 2: Irrespective of whether this form of work will be required for a longer period of time due to the corona measures or will possibly become necessary in the event of a new wave, it can be assumed that companies and employees will retain individual methods, tools and techniques of current forms of work.
- Hypothesis 3: In education and training organisations, the current ban on face-to-face training has partly or inevitably led to a boom in distance learning, i.e. teachers, participants and the organisations themselves have "digitalised" themselves. Some of the organisations responsible for AMS courses have also changed their offer to online courses.
In the present study, evidence for the formulated hypotheses and possible proposals for action the AMS as provider of training for job seekers is to be developed.
Project Management
Mag.a Andrea Egger-Subotitsch
Project Team
Mag.a Claudia Liebeswar MA
Project Start
Project End
Project Initiator
Austrian Public Employment Service