Project "Trends PWDs"
Project Title
Empirically based target group and needs analysis for the use of educational and vocational counselling by people with disabilities
For people with disabilities, it is not only difficult to enter the labour market, but often there is no employment at all on the first labour market.
The planned project serves to process selected recent national but also exemplary international experiences (good practices), to derive trends and to place them in the context of the PESs vocational and labour market information and counselling.
In the course of the project, literature-based research, interviews with experts and a comprehensive standardised online survey with relevant groups of stakeholders will be conducted. The aim is to find out in which target group-oriented form (media mix, media channels, counselling formats) which content should be made available to the public, i.e. to people with disabilities as well as to active educational and vocational counsellors.
Project Management
Mag.a Karin Steiner
Project Team
Mag. Mario Taschwer, Agnes Dürr BA
Project Start
Project End
Project Initiator
Austrian Public Employment Service