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Project "Labour Market Potential"

Project Title

Study: The Potential of (Further) Education in the Health and Wellness Sector in Lower Austria


Despite the tight labour market situation, the professional field of health still is believed to have growth potential. Therefore, the main objective of the study commissioned by the Public Employment Service of Lower Austria and conducted by abif were:

  • To which degree are health-related jobs - such as masseurs, physiotherapists, energetics, sports coaches, etc. relevant when it comes to funding decisions?
  • Which (further) educations can be exploited in the long term in the Lower Austrian labour market for health and wellness professionals? Which combinations of educations and supplementary qualifications can be well utilised?
  • Which (further) educations are demanded by the market, which by the clients?
  • Which (further) educations typically lead to self-employment and how sustainable is that?
  • Project Management

    Mag.a Karin Steiner

    Project Team

    Mag. Martin Stark

    Project Start


    Project End


    Project Initiator

    Public Employment Service Lower Austria