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Project "Counselling of BIZ"

Project Title

Effects and quality of BIZ counselling in Burgenland and Tyrol


In this study the focus is on expectations of clients of the BIZ (centers for career information) to the educational and vocational counselling. Also, a focus is on the direct and indirect effect of counselling from the clients perspective. With qualitative and quantitative methods abif will collect data and analyse the results. The influence on the employment career of persons experiencing counselling in BIZ is in the centre of attention. Moreover, the study provides an overview of methods of effect measurement in counselling processes and recommended actions regarding counselling and future effect measurement.

Project Management

Andrea Egger-Subotitsch

Project Team

Monira Kerler, Martin Stark, Julia Pintsuk, Sandra Schneeweiß

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

AMS Burgenland, AMS Tyrol