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Project "University Graduates-FH"

Project Title

Job finding and Employability of Graduates from Universities of Applied Sciences (FH)


The number of students and graduates at universities increases continuously. At the same time employers and enterprises are lacking qualified employees in technical fields. For this reason it is crucial to examine the labour market situation for graduates from technical studies.

Until now abif has primarily focused on career entries and employabilities of graduates from UNIVERSITIES. (University Graduates (I), University Graduates (II) In the project at hand SORA and abif are going to examine career perspectives, job opportunities and the labour market situation of young graduates from UNIVERSITIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES (FH); in particular from technical subjects. Six exemplary fields of studies (biotechnology, IKT, engineering, machine building, architecture, media technology and industrial engineering) are picked out, which, due to the large number of students and graduates, are particularly relevant for the labour market. The results of the study will provide valuable information about students´ expectations toward job opportunities and their transitions from education to work. In times of ongoing reforms in university education (Bologna Process) this information serves as starting point to improve the matching between education and work.

The project team uses a variety of qualitative and quantitative data sources, including a quantitative telephone survey with graduates from technical universities of applied sciences (n=510), 20 qualitative guided interviews with experts from economy, unions, professional associations, and universities of applied sciences (e.g. “Fachhochschulrat”). Each data source requires a very different analytic approach and provides information about career perspectives, job opportunities on the labour market, and problems of graduates from technical subjects in their career entry.

Project Management

Mag.a Eva Leuprecht, MA (abif)

Project Team

Mag.a Eva Leuprecht, MA (abif), Ruth Kasper (abif)

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

PES Austria
