Project "Rehabilitation"
Project Title
Individual life situations of rehabilitants: Success aspects of social and vocational rehablitation
Starting from the actual strongly debated structure problems of "social welfare state" and systems of social security, demographic and general changes of the working sphere, rehablitation gains in importance in the context of life expectancy. It seems that apart from the necessary development of the rehablitation systems in the last years, the basic conditions for rehablitation have also changed.
Changes in the system environment- in the condition field -, in which rehablitation takes place, can cause that the perception of subjective aspects and experiences of affected persons (for instance chronic patients, accident victims etc.) is being eclipsed. Despite these changes it seems important to focus to the same degree the structural conditions, which influence rehablitation measures, and the subjective perceptions of the people who are involved into these measures.
On the background of an integrated rehablitation concept the following question is to be answered: which individual and circumstance-related factors lead to a successful rehablitation after an absenteeism from the vocational everyday life due to injury and/or illness? The two perspectives, i.e. the subject perspective and the external perspective are correlated. The condition factors, which exist in the concrete life environment of the rehabilitants, are worked out and analysed. Within the framework of the project four expert interviews with rehablitation specialists and eight interviews with affected persons are carried out, apart from literature and secondary data analysis . The results of the project are presumably going to be published in the publication serial "AMS report" at the beginning of the year 2005.
Project Management
Karin Steiner (abif)
Project Team
Marie-Therese Weber, Andrea Egger (abif)
Project Start
Project End
Public Employment Service Austria