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Project "Divorce Victims"

Project Title

Male Divorce Victims as a New Target Group? Financial and Economic Implications


Getting divorced hurts. Not only emotionally but financially perhaps even longer . In the same way the risk of becoming a divorce victim concerns immaterial and material matters. The project is to explore the question whether men, particularly fathers, are potentially disadvantaged following a divorce or separation in material or immaterial ways. The description of the economic and social situation of divorced or separated individuals who are required to pay alimony is to be based on a research literature analysis in German speaking countries and on a comparision of the legal situation in other EU member countries.

Qualitative expert interviews are to be carried out in youth welfare offices, homeless shelters, family and male oriented services and debt consultancies, as well as the courts. These interviews will help to analyze the quantitative and qualitative importance of the poverty threat caused by alimony and maintenance duties and of homelessness as a result of divorces. In the realm of a feasibility study it will be examined to what extent and how complex the acquisition of data on income and alimony payments of indiviuals required to pay is possible. In order to consider the views and the descriptions of the social, financial and psychological situation of the divorce victims, qualitative interviews with individuals liable to pay alimony will be carried out. The survey contains a feasibility study for a data acquisition of paid alimony in Austria.

Project Management

Günter Denk

Project Team

Brigitte Mosberger (abif), Karin Steiner (abif)

Project Start


Project End



Federal Ministry of Social Security, Generations and Consumer Protection