Project "Students' Expectations"
Project Title
The impact of cultural differences on students´ expectations concerning job counselling
As a pre-requisite for an efficient vocational orientation, the counsellors must be aware of the clients’ needs and expectations. Out of the numerous factors, which affect these expectations, cultural influences are also decisive. Because the transnational job markets are also gaining in importance in Europe in the course of internationalization and globalization tendencies of the economy, the need to internationalise the vocational orientation emerges.
The goal of this study is to examine the influence of the cultural differences on expectations of the counsellors in order to be responsitive to the ethnic and cultural heterogeneity of the clients when setting and designing the consulting, both at national and international level. Other factors, that could influence the expactancies towards counselling, are taken into consideration: personality, vocational interesets, demopraphic data.
The survey tools were partly self developed and tested in 2 pre-studies. To asset the cultural background the new Cultural manifestation Questionnaire (on the theoretical basis of Geert Hofstede’s concept (1997) was used.
1283 high school students from Sweden, Poland, Lithuania, Cyprus, UK and Austria participated in the study, about 200 students from each country. The average age of the students was 18 years old at the range from 16 to 22.
The theoretical model of "Influences on expactancies" was transferred to a General Linear Model for statistical analyses, which was carried out by abif.
First results are presented on the AIOSP/IAEVG INTERNACIONAL CONFERENCE 2005 in September at University of Lisbon, a book will follow.
Project Management
Andrea Egger (abif)
Project Team
Eva Leuprecht (abif)
Project Start
Project End
Academy for Human Sciences and Economics in Lodz, Poland
Project Partner(s)
Great Britain, Cyprus, Lithuania, Sweden, Austria
The impact of cultural differences on students' expectations from job counsellors