Project "Labour Force Potential"
Project Title
Exploiting the labour force potential: Strategies of European countries
The current labour market situation is shaped by the ongoing structural change of the economy, demographic and social upheavals and specific economic and political framework conditions. Examples of this are, for example, the withdrawal of the baby boom generation from the labour force, international migration movements, adaptation processes in companies as a result of digitalisation and new qualification requirements in the area of green skills. Against this background, efforts to make the best possible use of the labour force potential are gaining in relevance. Main target groups include, but are not necessarily limited to, younger people (with e.g. educational or qualification deficits, uncertainties in career choices and increased needs for career guidance services), older workers, women (especially women re-entering the labour market), people with disabilities or health impairments, and people with a migratory background, especially women.
Within the framework of the study, which abif is conducting in cooperation with the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), different strategies are to be identified to support the Austrian labour market policy and, in particular, the operational activities of the PES with regard to the Active Labour Market Policy. The aim is to show which concrete instruments, projects and initiatives are being implemented by national PES (Public Employment Services) in European countries in order to exploit the existing labour force potential - and could potentially serve as a basis for discussion in Austria.
Project Management
Mag.a Julia Bock-Schappelwein, Mag.a Andrea Egger
Project Team
Mag.a Claudia Liebeswar, MA, Wolfgang Mayer, MA
Project Start
Project End
Project Initiator
PES Austria
Project Partner(s)
Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)