Project "SOS Childrens Villages"
Project Title
SOS Childrens Villages - Labour Market Integration of Care Leavers
Care leavers are young people who have been in the care of inpatient institutions of child and youth welfare and are in transition to an independent life. These adolescents and young adults often face problems with apprenticeships and labour market integration. For this reason, abif is conducting a study in cooperation with the SOS Childrens Villages and on behalf of the PES Austria, which identifies these very problems and elicits corresponding proposals for measures. Methodologically, the research project will be implemented by means of expert interviews and focus groups with affected young people.
Project Management
Maga Karin Steiner
Project Team
Alexandra Gössl, MA, Michael Flotzinger, BA
Project Start
Project End
Project Initiator
Public Employment Service Austria
SOS Childrens Villages