Project ""AHS" school"
Project Title
Opportunities on the labour market and within the educational system after graduating from an "AHS" school
For many decades, the AHS graduation exam (AHS, Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule: college) has been a central element as a certificate of higher general education in our society. The AHS type of school has come under pressure in the wake of a number of developments in the vocational training and tertiary educational system. As about twenty percent of all secondary-level students decide to attend an AHS, this type of school plays an important role for future developments.
The goals of this project are: to analyse the status quo in educational policy, to provide a rough assessment of the future development of this certificate and to examine several political strategies.
The study contains a secondary statistical analysis of available material as well as expert interviews with representatives of political organisations and interest groups. Moreover, a questionnaire will be developed to find out the future plans of AHS graduates attending the senior class of a sample school in Vienna. In a follow-up project to this pilot survey, it is planned to carry out a survey of several AHS schools in Vienna in order to obtain more representative results.
Project Management
Karin Steiner (abif)
Project Team
Sylvia Stuppäck
Project Start
Project End
Vienna City Administration (MA 18 - City Planning and Development)